New Year's Eve
Tangerine Drop
Downtown Brooksville Fl
The Schedule
Family Friendly New Year's Eve Event
  • Event Kickoff

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse non posuere dolor, ut fermentum enim. Nullam quis molestie purus. Nam leo turpis, scelerisque in convallis ac, accumsan a lacus. Sed laoreet arcu in odio auctor commodo qisque et mi lacinia.

    December 31, 2024 18:00
  • DJ Music
    December 31, 2024 18:30
  • Early Ball Drop for Kids

    Early Ball Drop

    December 31, 2024 21:00
  • Main Band

    Main Band

    December 31, 2024 21:15
  • Tangerine Drop

    This session delves into the creative aspects of event planning, focusing on design and decor. Attendees will learn about design principles, event themes, color schemes, and innovative ideas to create visually stunning and memorable events.

    January 1, 2025 0:00
The Sponsors
Thank you to our amazing sponsors for making this event possible!
Media Gallery
Relive the excitement of past performances with our media gallery.
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